Total Fee In INR: ₹30,000/- EMI Option: Pay ₹15,000/- per month.
Dedicated vs Shared vs Cloud, IaaS, PaaS & SaaS
Cloud Solution Providers, AWS, Google Cloud
Virtual Machine,Internet of Things, Azure SQL,Mobile, Azure Cosmos DBStorage, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS),PlayFab, DevOps, Security, App Service,Docker Container
Create an Azure App Service Web App, Enable diagnostics logging, Deploy code to a web app
Configure web app settings including SSL, API, and connection strings, Implement autoscaling rules, including scheduled autoscaling.
Implement input and output bindings for a function , Implement function triggers by using data operations, timers, and webhooks
Implement Azure Durable Functions
Create DB containers (SQL & Cosmos)
Implement scaling (partitions, containers)
Implement server-side programming including stored procedures, triggers, and change feed notifications
Move items in Blob storage between storage accounts or containers, Set and retrieve properties and metadata, Interact with data using the appropriate SDK,Implement data archiving and retention, Implement hot, cool, and archive storage
Implement OAuth2 authentication, Azure Active Directory to authenticate users & role-based access controls (RBAC)
Secure app configuration data by using the App Configuration and KeyVault API
Manage keys, secrets, and certificates by using the KeyVault API
Implement Managed Identities for Azure resources
Create a Logic App
Create a custom connector for Logic Apps
Create a custom template for Logic Apps
Create an APIM instance
Configure authentication for APIs
Define policies for APIs
Implement solutions that use Azure Event Grid
Implement solutions that use Azure Notification Hubs, Implement solutions that use Azure Event Hub
Implement solutions that use Azure Service Bus
Implement solutions that use Azure Queue Storage queues
Develop code to implement CDN’s in solutions
Configure cache and expiration policies for FrontDoor, CDNs, or Redis caches
Store and retrieve data in Azure Redis cache
Configure instrumentation in an app or service by using Application Insights, Analyze log data and troubleshoot solutions by using Azure Monitor
Implement Application Insights Web Test and Alerts,Implement code that handles transient faults
Docker on Azure, Create container images for solutions by using Docker,Publish an image to the Azure Container Registry, Run containers by using Azure Container Instance, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
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Microsoft Certified Solutions Architect
Jaleel Ahmed is a Microsoft Solutions Architect. He has been designing enterprise applications in the Microsoft stack for past 15+ years. He works in a remote team environment and utilizes agile development processes to deliver solutions for complex & evolving businesses.
Total Fee In INR: ₹30,000/- EMI Option: Pay ₹15,000/- per month.