Rated as #1 Coding Bootcamp Of Hyderabad India.

Product Development Bootcamp On ASP.Net Core With Angular

12-week product development bootcamp that brings solution to your problem as a product.
Development Path For Product

Understanding the problem, analyzing it  and finalizing requirements. Breaking requirements in various modules and making action plans. Finally delivering attractive mockup screens.


Class Design For BOL

Breaking requirements into objects and finding relationship among them. Finally designing classes out of these objects and relationships as a separate business object layer .

Write data access logic using Entity Framework Core Code First Approach and  implement design patterns like Unit of Work, Iterator, repository and dependency injections to make it robust.

Entity Framework Core For DAL

ASP.Net Core Web APIs For BLL

Expose the data with business logic using ASP.Net Core Web API and Implement CRUD Operations using  IActionResult, Action Filters And Routing, Exception Handling.

We will be using the latest ASP.Net Identity for user and roles management with an extra layer of security as JSON Web Tokens(JWT). We will also implement alternative approach of login using GMail.

Securing BLL Using Identity Server

 Angular 9 For UI

SPA using Angular 9 by Designing Components, project structure, Observables, HttpClient, Http requests, Configuring headers, Interceptors, Progress events, Angular Router, Angular Modules, directives and Pipes, Reactive Forms, State management.

Integrating all the modules and Writing test cases and working on manual testing for the complete flow of our application and give a final touch before going into production.

Integration And Testing

Mobile App Of Your Product

You’ve coded an application in Angular and now do you want to turn it into a Mobile App? No problem! PWAs are a nice way to make regular web applications act like native apps on Android, Windows, Chrome OS, and more…

Getting started with Azure Cloud hosting Services, Hosting MS SQL Server Database, Hosting ASP.Net Core Web API, Enabling Cors, hosting Angular 9 UI.

 Azure Cloud Hosting

Ready To Launch Your Product

Meet Our Product Architect

Mohammed Jaleel Ahmed

Microsoft Certified Solutions Architect

Jaleel Ahmed is a Microsoft Solutions Architect. He has been designing enterprise applications in the Microsoft stack for past 15+ years. He works in a remote team environment and utilizes agile development processes to deliver solutions for complex & evolving businesses.

Product Bootcamps run 5 days a week

It's 1 - 1 Product Bootcamp

Don't miss this business opportunity